Monday, April 9, 2007

Do you want your pizza with child support?

Three pizzarias in Ohio have plastered their pizza boxes with mug shots of parents who fall delinquent on child support. According to Reuters, the program has already resulted in the arrest of one "deadbeat" dad.

Kansas enforces child support orders through the office of the court trustee. A parent who fails to pay court ordered child support may face jail time. This time is often served on weekends so that the parent may maintain employment to pay the child support.


DiamondsSaphire said...

I think this is a great idea. I personally know what it is like to go without support, if anything I hope it emabarasses the deadbeat parent.

Anonymous said...

This idea is a good one, but pizza boxes? I would think that our government would be a little more appalled at the idea of dead beat dads and come up with better ideas to call them out on it.